MembershipWhy Join APNET?

" APNET has been a great organization for networking with informative sessions, plus cultural events and community service. It connects those of various African communities to other cultures and creates a wonderful interaction and learning experience. I highly recommend APNET to anyone interested in expanding their horizons. Thanks for all you do, APNET! "  - Dr. Patricia Back, MD. 

Membership Benefits

We invite you to join African Professionals Network (APNET), a group of individuals dedicated to enhancing our community. As a member of African Professionals Network (APNET), you belong to a community of professionals who share mutual goals, interests, and commitments. Becoming involved with APNET will allow you to make valuable connections with peers, discover new opportunities, and give back to the community. APNET Membership is open to the general public. APNET does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, religion or political affiliation.  To become a member, you either pay membership dues or provide volunteer service.  Listed below are some of the benefits of your APNET membership. 


Paid Membership
  1. Student Membership
  2. Professional membership
  3. Lifetime Membership 
  4. Business Membership
    • Corporate 
    • Corporate Plus
    • Executive 

Pay Your APNET Membership

Service Membership 

Providing volunteer service is another way of becoming a member of APNET. As a volunteer, you will enjoy opportunities to give back to the community by volunteering with APNET community partners locally and abroad. APNET volunteers are also given membership for one year after reporting  volunteer hours. Volunteer at least four (4) hours per year towards APNET events, programs, or other volunteer  related initiatives.

Volunteer Opportunities  

The African Professionals Network (APNET) organizes  several events/programs yearly that bring together innovative minds to network; learn how to advance their businesses & professions, and celebrate individuals & businesses that are making a difference in the community. Volunteering is a rewarding way to develop interpersonal skills, create new professional relationships, and apply your expertise to help others. 

CLICK HERE: Volunteer with APNET 

CLICK HERE: Report Volunteer Hours